You're Almost Here!
In your first few weeks at Yale, you will participate in many orientation events with your school and across the university to help you settle into your new life in New Haven. All incoming international students are required to participate in the OISS Orientation.
- For Graduate and Professional students, you will register for your school-specific OISS Orientation towards the end of July in OISS Passport To Yale on Yale Connect.
- For Yale College students, you will have the opportunity to attend OIS: Orientation for International Students, one of Yale's pre-orientation programs. Registration will open this summer.
- For J-1 Non-Degree Students (Visiting Assistants in Research, Exchange Scholars, and Visiting Students) please complete your online orientation as soon as you receieve your DS-2019. At the end of the online orientaiton, you will have the opportunity to sign-up and attend and in-person social event at OISS.
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