Language Conversation Groups

Members of spanish conversation group around table at meeting

About the Language Conversation Groups

OISS hosts a number of language groups that meet at the International Center weekly. The purpose of these groups threefold:

  • to create a community of people based in language interest,
  • to foster cross-cultural exchange,
  • and to provide a welcoming space where people can learn at their own comfort.

They are meant to provide a way to practice language skills that have already been acquired elsewhere.

So, whether you are new to Yale and New Haven, or you've been here for a while, we welcome all members of the Yale community to come participate in our groups. You don't have to be a native speaker, or highly fluent, all you need is the desire to connect with other people though language.

Chinese Conversation Group

Fridays, 2:30-3:30pm, OISS, 421 Temple Street

The Chinese Conversation Group provides a relaxing environment that offers opportunities for conversing in Mandarin Chinese. People of all skill levels are welcome, including beginners, experts, native speakers, and everyone in-between. Please join us! You can improve your Chinese and learn more about China and Chinese culture by discussing a variety of topics. Please contact them on email at (link sends e-mail) or Wechat with ID: Yale OISS Chinese Conversation!

Spanish Conversation Group

Mondays, 11am-12pm, OISS, 421 Temple Street

Our Spanish Conversation Group is back! This group is open to native or intermediate speakers who are looking to come together for an hour each week to socialize in Spanish. Please join us for an hour of good conversation and help us to reinvigorate this group! For weekly updates and more information, please join the group on WhatsApp