International Spouses and Partners at Yale (ISPY) was created to help address the needs of the international spouses and partners community. ISPY has become a truly international group by having active international as well as American members. This social and informative network organizes events, groups, and meetings throughout the year.
Download our online ISPY Handbook for helpful resources.
Join an ISPY Group
Every year, now groups are formed through the leadership of spouses and partners who have shared interests and the desire to meet regularly for social, cultural events. If you would like to form your own ISPY group, please come to ISPY Orientation (we have them twice a year, at the beginning of each semester).
Joining the Yale Community: Getting Involved
- Check out out the OISS Events Calendar, and register for events.
- For local events, check out the links in the Events Around Town block to the right (web) or below (mobile).
- Participate in our Community Connection Programs. The OISS coordinates both the Community Friends program, and the Thanksgiving Holiday at Home program.
- Check out the Graduate School's guide for Spouses & Partners, which includes information on how to obtain Yale ID (identification cards), auditing courses, employment, volunteering and parental support and relief.
English Language Resources
Practice speaking English with other learners, and at your own pace.
English Conversation Groups at OISS
The Office of International Students & Scholars offers daily, informal English Conversation Groups for international students, scholars and their spouses and partners who wish to gain further experience speaking English as a foreign language. Open to all!
Literacy Volunteers of Greater New Haven
Literacy Volunteers offers FREE small group classes at their offices, libraries and community organizations around New Haven, Meriden/Wallingford, and The Valley. Classes are held mornings, afternoons, and evenings to fit into your busy schedule. Email info@lvagnh.org or call (203) 776-5899 for more info.
Bridges English as Second Language
Bridges English as Second Language is a non-profit volunteer organization that provides free small-group English tutoring to immigrants and visiting internationals in the Yale and New Haven community. The program offers several levels of instruction depending on each student’s needs. The levels are Survival, Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. Classes are held on Saturday mornings from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM at the Asian American Cultural Center (295 Crown Street, New Haven, CT) and La Casa (301 Crown St, New Haven, CT). Student registration for Bridges classes is at the beginning of each school semester. Email bridgesesl@gmail.com for more info.
New Haven Adult & Continuing Education Center
The New Haven Adult & Continuing Education Center offers a free English as a Second Language Program for New Haven residents (non-residents must pay a fee). They offer 7 different levels of classes from Literacy to Advanced. All classes include instruction in speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Call (203) 492-0213 or email erica.walden@nhboe.net for more info.
ERACE (East Shore Region Adult & Continuing Education)
ERACE offers English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classes at beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels of instruction at multiple locations. They have a great, friendly, certified staff to assist you with your language and culture development here in the United States. Classes are free to residents of Branford, Clinton, Guilford and North Branford; non-residents are welcome to attend for a nominal fee. Call (203) 488-5693 or email shorelineadulted@branfordschools.org for more info.
Child Friendly Activities
- The New Children's Museum in West Hartford
- Kid's activities at the New Haven Free Public Library
- New Haven Sports and Recreation
- Outdoor Adventures in New Haven: Canoeing, kayaking, archery, water rafting, rock climbing, snorkeling, scuba diving, etc.
- Playgrounds in New Haven
- Ranger Nature Program programs for students: animal tracking, fishing, hawk watching, nature walks, pond exploration, etc.
- Peabody Museum of Natural History
- New Haven Youth Programs
- Be sure to check the New Haven Library's free and discounted passes for museums and theaters.
- Go to Mommy Poppins Connecticut and look up all fun events for your children in New Haven and around Connecticut.
Local Sports, Recreation, Cultural, and Arts Activities
- New Haven Ballet
- Neighborhood Music School, New Haven
- List of recreational sports in New Haven
- Air Temple Arts
- A guide to arts and culture in New Haven
- Yale Arts Calendar
- MakeHaven in New Haven
- The Grove in New Haven
- Elm City Dance Collective
- Ice Skating in New Haven
- City Climb gym
- Creative Arts Workshop, New Haven
- Craft Haven
- Knit New Haven
- Yale Sports & Recreation at the Payne Whitney Gym