Uma Shankar (she, her, hers)
Uma Shankar is an International Scholar Adviser. Her primary focus is to prepare the Permanent Resident (Green Card) applications on behalf of Research Scientists/Faculty and petitions them for approval by the Homeland Security Office. She also leads orientation programs and hosts special events for the scholar community to make Yale feel like home.
She enjoys the vibrancy of working at Yale and has been here as long as she can remember! She has been an integral part of the University community from her days as a computer programmer at the Biology department to managing special projects for the Office of the Provost to solely managing the policy and website for the Finance department.
She has traveled extensively and enjoys learning about different cultures. She is an active Executive Committee member of the Asian Network at Yale. She spends her free time attending cultural events at Yale, watching hours of sports, reading, hiking and singing classical music. She also sits on the Board of Directors of the International Festival of Arts and Ideas and is a Fellow of Jonathan Edwards College.
She holds a B.Sc Honors degree in Physics and a MBA in Finance.