Immigration Presentations

We invite you to listen to or view recent immigration attorney and OISS presentations on specific immigration topics. Please note that the documents and links to presentations below provide general information only and are not a substitute for individual legal advice. Because immigration policies are constantly changing you should always speak to an OISS adviser before taking any action on the materials listed below.

Links below require Yale NetID credentials. If you have logged in and are still experiencing issues accessing any of the recordings below, please email (link sends e-mail).

Work After Graduation: F-1 Optional Practical Training

February 4, 2025
Presented by OISS Advisers

Slides and recordings will be linked below as soon as they are available.

Audience/Session Link to Recording Link to Slides Date
art, Drama, and Music students RECORDING > SLIDES > 2/4
Architecture, Divinity, Environment, Management, Public Health Students RECORDING > SLIDES > 2/7
Yale College students RECORDING > SLIDES > 2/12
Law Students RECORDING > SLIDES > 2/13
Yale College students RECORDING > SLIDES > 2/21

Interested in working in the U.S. after graduation? You may be eligible to apply for F-1 Optional Practical Training, a work authorization based on your F-1 student visa. This session covers some of the basics of OPT and how to apply.

Two very important factors to know before attending are: 1) You do not need a job in order to apply for OPT and 2) You must be physically present in the US in order to apply for OPT.

Student on their laptop outside

Visiting Assistant in Research Information Session

January 23, 2025
Presented by OISS & GSAS

Please join the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and the Office of International Students and Scholars and for an information session for administrators on Visiting Assistants in Research (VARs) when you have international program participants. This session will focus on eligibility criteria for VARs, the overall application process for VARs, the OISS process for creating DS-2019s for VARs, and special considerations during the transition period. 

Work Visa Options for Artists after F-1 OPT

December 3, 2024
Presented by Attorneys Amanda Gupta and Will Spitz from Covey Law

Interested in how to work in the U.S. after your F-1 OPT period? Attend this virtual event where immigration attorneys Will Spitz and Amanda Gupta from Covey Law will discuss the specific visa options available to artists, such as the O-1 visa. They will review how to qualify for these visas and what steps you can take now to help make a strong case.

    Navigating the Future: Visa Options after F-1 OPT and J-1 AT

    November 14, 2024
    Presented by Attorney Aaron Blumberg of Fragomen

    Do you have questions about moving from F-1 Optional Practical Training (OPT) or J-1 Academic Training (AT) to H-1B status? The H-1B Lottery? Other non-immigrant options for working in the U.S. after OPT/AT? To explore these issues more and learn how the cap H-1B lottery works, watch this immigration information session with Attorney Aaron Blumberg. If you are a degree-seeking student at Yale, graduating in May or August 2025, this session is for you! After this session, you will have the information you need to plan ahead and navigate your immigration after graduation and beyond.

    Navigating Immigration Logo

    Navigating Immigration: Entrepreneurship for Current Students

    November 6, 2024
    Presented by Attorney Dan Berger of Green & Spiegel LLC

    International entrepreneurs face a number of hurdles when seeking to start a business in the United States. Attorney Dan Berger demystifies the immigration options available to international entrepreneurs, as well as provides insight into how international entrepreneurs should structure their companies to give themselves the best chance at a secure future in the United States.

    OISS Connect

    OISS Connect Training for Department Liaisons

    April 4, 2024
    Presented by Sarah Henderson, and Sarah Solarski, OISS

    OISS Connect Training for OISS Departmental Liaisons that host international scholars.

    Visas After Graduation

    March 28, 2024
    Presented by Attorney Suzanne Seltzer of The Seltzer Firm

    Attorney Seltzer discussed visa options after graduation including H-1B, O-1 and Trade Agreement visas. She also gave an overview of pathways to green card sponsorship. If you are a degree seeking student at Yale, graduating in May or August 2024, this session is for you!

    Yale students planning to graduate in May 2024 should start applying for F-1 Optional Practical Training (or J-1 Academic Training) now. If you have not yet started this process you should do so immediately - please read the information here.

    Visa Options for Medical Residents

    March 19, 2024
    Presented by Attorneys Greg Siskind and Adam Cohen of Siskind Susser Law Firm

    Attorneys Siskind and Cohen discussed the current visa climate for immigrant physicians, including legislative updates on immigration options for those in the healthcare industry. Visa options for Registered Nurses was also covered.

    Expanding U.S. Based Employment Opportunities for International Students

    April 20, 2023
    Presented by Sherman Baldwin, the CEO of LCR Capital Partners, Michael Wehrli of LCR Wealth, and Christian Triantaphyllis, an industry-leading U.S.-based immigration attorney

    This was an educational session on how the EB-5 Immigrant Investor program leads to permanent residency and can dramatically expand your U.S. based employment opportunities.

    There is new U.S. legislation as of 2022 which enables students on F-1 visas in the U.S. to make an investment in an EB-5 project along with a concurrent filing for an Adjustment of Status to gain U.S. employment eligibility within months. Adjustment of Status provides the visa category to work in the U.S., while waiting for a new EB-5 visa designation and the flexibility to work anywhere, which is not the case with H-1B or F-1.  

    Life After F-1 Visas: O-1 & EB-1 for Artists, Musicians, and Drama Students

    March 29, 2023
    Presented by Attorney Dan Berger of Curran, Berger & Kludt Immigration Law

    This session was geared toward artists. Hear from Attorney Dan Berger about the O-1 & EB-1 visa process and what you should do now to prepare for any future visa applications. Even if you are not graduating soon, it’s never too early to prepare!