Mental Health

Mental Health


Stay healthy in mind and spirit by taking care of yourself and seeking the support you need, when you need it. If you are having difficulty managing your work, studies, cultural adjustment, home life, relationships, or any other personal matter, there are many caring individuals in the community who can provide support, comfort and a listening ear. OISS advisers are good listeners and can make referrals to a counselor, psychologist or other mental health professional.

In your country it may not be common to seek the help of a doctor or therapist for personal problems. However, in the United States, there is no stigma or shame in asking for help from a psychologist or other mental health professional. Everything you discuss with a mental health clinician is held in strictest confidence. Do not hesitate to reach out and ask for assistance. Everyone needs extra support sometimes.

Who Do I Contact?

Student members of Yale Health should contact Mental Health & Counseling to make an appointment with a mental health professional. Students may also consult the Resources for Students in Distress website.

Faculty and staff members of Yale Health should contact the Department of Behavioral Health in partnership with Yale University Personal Wellness (Employee Assistance Program provided by Optum) or call (866) 416-6586.

If you are in crisis, you can visit or call Yale Health Acute Care 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Yale offers free (anonymous) online mental health screenings for depression, eating disorders, alcohol, anxiety/PTSD, which you may find helpful.

Additional Resources