Applying for the F-1 Student Visa

When to Apply

You must apply for your visa well in advance of your arrival, as it can in some instances take several weeks and occasionally longer, to obtain the F-1 student visa.

Although the U.S. Department of State states that F-1 student visas can be issued up to 365 days in advance of the program start date, OISS can only start the process to issue your immigration document after you accept your offer of admission and we receive your student record from your Yale school, which usually does not happen until March in most cases. Check the website of the consulate where you will apply for a visa for detailed instructions.

Pre-Application Checklist

Before you begin the visa application process, you must have the following documents:

The Application Process

Special Notes

When applying for your student visa, pay careful attention to the following.

A Final Note

If the U.S. consulate has any questions regarding your studies at Yale, please contact OISS. If your visa application is delayed or denied for any reason, please email your OISS adviser immediately. Safe travels and we look forward to meeting you when you arrive in New Haven!