You can save money by buying used. With a population that is constantly coming and going, there are plenty of good sources within the university community. Sometimes, you may even get lucky and find free items on the curbside, or online through Free Cycle. Each year at the end of the spring semester, there are many free items available through Spring Salvage.
Tag Sales
This is a New Haven term for a sale held by private individuals who are looking to sell items they no longer have use for. In other places, these sales might be called garage sales, yard sales, stoop sales, or jumbles. A tag sale usually takes place on a weekend at a private home or apartment building outside in the front yard or on the sidewalk. The best time to shop tag sales is in the summer, or in seasons when the weather is good. Prices are often reasonable, and it is appropriate to bargain or barter.
Antiques, Consignment, and Vintage
Generally speaking, New England is a great market for these types of retailers. If you're up for a shopping adventure, there are plenty of options all along the shoreline (Route 1) between Branford and Westbrook.