General Application Process
- If all eligibility requirements are met, then you may create and submit an online CPT Request in OISS Connect. You can find the link to create a CPT request below in the section that applies to you.
- Be prepared to attach documentation of your employment agreement (could be a letter or a contract). The proof of employment must contain the following information:
- Name of employer
- Physical address of work site
- Start date and end date of the practical experience
- A brief description of your employment
- You must submit your CPT request before your CPT begins.
- A new form I-20 will be issued denoting the employer and the dates authorized on page two. You can present this new I-20, along with your passport and I-94 record as proof of employment authorization to your employer.
- Apply for a Social Security Number if you do not have one already.
Instructions by School
Only Masters students in Biostatistics, Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Health Informatics, and Statistics & Data Science are eligible for summer time CPT.
Master’s students in Biostatistics and Health Informatics should send their request for electronic recommendation to Melanie Elliot at or Katie Doucet at
Master's students in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics should send their request to Robin Einbinder at
Master’s students in Statistics and Data Science should send their request for electronic recommendation to Jay Emerson at
You may create and submit an online CPT Request by opening a Chrome (recommended) or Firefox browser and using this link to log in to OISS Connect.
You will create and submit an online CPT Request by opening a Chrome (recommended) or Firefox browser and using this link to log in to OISS Connect.
- PhD students enrolled in GSAS 901C or 902C (only available during the summer, not academic year) must have the completed Request Form signed by the DGS and academic adviser. Once signed, scan the form, offer letter, and personal statement and send them to Dean Allegra di Bonaventura for a final review and signature. Send an electronic recommendation request through your OISS Connect application to Dean Allegra di Bonaventura at If approved, the Dean will attach the signed form to your electronic recommendation in OISS Connect.
- PhD students with employment essential for dissertation must submit a personal statement and a letter of support on Yale letterhead written and signed by their PI describing how the proposed employment is essential for the development of their dissertation. Scan this documentation and send it to Dean Allegra di Bonaventura. Send an electronic recommendation request through your OISS connect application to Dean Allegra di Bonaventura at The Dean will review this documentation and if approved they will attach the forms to your electronic recommendation in OISS Connect.
- Student selected for the Yale Graduate Impact (YGI) Fellowship for projects taking place during the summer or fall should complete the GSAS Application for Yale Graduate Impact Fellowship and Summer Course Registration form signed by the DGS and academic adviser. Once signed, scan the form and your professional resume to Dean Allegra di Bonaventura for a final review and signature. Send an electronic recommendation request through your OISS Connect application to Dean Allegra di Bonaventura at If approved, the Dean will attach the signed form to your electronic recommendation in OISS Connect.
CPT is available to Yale College students in their second and third summers at Yale (summer after sophomore and junior years). Use of CPT will require you to enroll in PRAC 471, Fieldwork Practicum Analysis, in the fall term immediately after your summer internship.
In order to use CPT based on enrollment in PRAC 471, your internship or work experience must be related to your major(s), at least 20 hours per week, and at least 4 weeks in duration. You must receive your I-20 authorizing you for CPT BEFORE you start working. CPT may still be required even if your work is unpaid.
You need to do three things to apply for CPT based on enrollment in PRAC 471 :
- Complete a Project Proposal, to be approved by your DUS and Derek Webster (Senior Associate Director for Creative Careers & PRAC 471 Instructor of Record). Submit your proposal for PRAC 471 here. This dynamic form will be automatically forwarded to your DUS and to Derek Webster for approval, so you do not need to contact them unless there is an issue.
Important Note:Derek Webster is only the course instructor for PRAC 471, so all questions related to the project proposal form or CPT should NOT be directed to him, but to your designated OISS adviser. You should only contact Derek Webster related to specific questions about the course itself.
- Download an approved version of your project proposal:
- Log into Dynamic Forms via Dynamic Forms SSO Account Log in using CAS with NetID and Password.
- Under Forms History will be a list of all Form Submissions, click the PDF icon or HTML for the Form Submission you wish to view/download/save/print.
- Status – There are different types of Form Statuses found under Forms History and your form should be under one of these two categories:
- Pending – A completed form submission in Pending queue.
- Processed – A completed form submissions in Processed queue
- Final step: Submit the Yale College Student CPT Request Form. You should have your approved PRAC 471 proposal and official offer letter ready to upload to this request. Note that your offer letter must show the name of your employer, the physical address of worksite (Street name, city, state, zip code), and your exact start and end dates.
Important Note:Please only click this link once. If you are returning to work on your request, log in to to edit your pending request on your profile page.
Note: If you are in Energy Studies, Education Studies (Intensive Certificate), Human Rights Studies, Global Health Studies, Grand Strategy Program, or Yale Journalism Initiative, please contact your adviser first to discuss eligibility for CPT based on your program participation.
Only students pursuing a MDiv or MAR are eligible for CPT for the following courses:
- The summer intensive internship with Practicum, REL 3989 per the YDS Internship Program requirement
- The part-time academic year internship Practicum, REL 3986/7 per the YDS Internship Program requirement
- OR Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) so long as the opportunity has been approved by Jennifer Davis.
After securing your internship, but before you begin work, you should create and submit an online CPT Request by opening a Chrome (recommended) or Firefox browser and using this link to log in to OISS Connect. Important Note: Please only click this link once. If you are returning to work on your request, log in to to edit your pending request on your profile page.
OISS Connect will ask you to enter a Recommender. The Recommender is Jennifer Davis or Alison Cunningham.
Only 1L and 2L JD students are eligible for summer time CPT through enrollment in Legal Practicum (20008). There is no term time CPT option in Law School. LLM and JSD students are not eligible for CPT.
JD students may create and submit an online CPT Request by opening a Chrome (recommended) or Firefox browser and using this link to log in to OISS Connect.
When you create your CPT request in OISS Connect you will notice that there is a recommender section. Please send your request for electronic recommendation to YLS Registrar by manually entering first name “Law”, last name “Registrar”, and as the recommender’s email.
After being enrolled for a full academic year at the Master's level at the Yale School of Architecture, you may be eligible for CPT. After securing your internship, but before you begin work, you should create and submit an online CPT Request by opening a Chrome (recommended) or Firefox browser and using this link to log in to OISS Connect. Important Note: Please only click this link once. If you are returning to work on your request, log in to to edit your pending request on your profile page.
OISS Connect will ask you to enter a Recommender. The Recommender is Dean Phillip Bernstein.
Secure your summer experience (internship) by working with YSE CDO. For assistance from the CDO, please schedule an appointment with Maya is through the YSE Next system, but if you need to reach out directly, you may her an email at
After securing your internship, but before you begin work, you should create and submit an online CPT Request by opening a Chrome (recommended) or Firefox browser and using this link to log in to OISS Connect. Important Note: Please only click this link once. If you are returning to work on your request, log in to to edit your pending request on your profile page.
OISS Connect will ask you to enter a Recommender. The Recommender is an email address which must be added manually:
Masters students in Global Affairs are eligible for summer CPT and should send their request for electronic recommendation to David Simon at
You may create and submit an online CPT Request by opening a Chrome (recommended) or Firefox browser and using this link to log in to OISS Connect.
Before you begin any work engagement, you must submit the Music Student CPT Request Form and receive a new I-20 with CPT authorization noting the specific employer and dates on page 2. Only this new I-20 will authorize you to engage in off-campus work.
OISS Connect will ask you to enter a Recommender. The Recommender is Eveline Halpert.
Only MBA and Asset Management students are eligible for CPT. Silver Scholar MBA students use CPT during their Gap Year 1 away from the classroom. Asset Management students may work during Spring term, but are limited to less than 20 hours per week* and must have CPT authorization. Second year MBA students can use CPT to work during the second academic year, but are additional course enrollment is required and work is limited to less than 20 hours per week.
Your OISS adviser will give you the appropriate academic recommender to use (contact your adviser if you do not know who the academic recommender should be), and then you may create and submit an online CPT Request by opening a Chrome (recommended) or Firefox browser and using this link to log in to OISS Connect.
*F-1 and J-1 students may work up to 20 hours a week while school is in session per federal immigration regulations, but per Yale policy students may not work more than 19 hours (combined for all jobs) in any week during the academic terms. Exceptions are Ph.D. students, who may not work more than 10 hours (combined for all hourly jobs) in any week during academic terms unless they have the required permission of the director of graduate studies, in consultation with the appropriate associate dean.
OISS Connect will ask you to enter a Recommender. The Recommender is an email address which must be added manually:
First, secure your summer internship. After securing your internship, but before you begin work, you should create and submit an online CPT Request by opening a Chrome (recommended) or Firefox browser and using this link to log in to OISS Connect. Important Note: Please only click this link once. If you are returning to work on your request, log in to to edit your pending request on your profile page.
OISS Connect will ask you to enter a Recommender. The Recommender is Heather Logan.
Your OISS adviser will give you the appropriate academic recommender to use (contact your adviser if you do not know who the academic recommender should be), and then you may create and submit an online CPT Request by opening a Chrome (recommended) or Firefox browser and using this link to log in to OISS Connect.