It is not uncommon for some students to struggle as they make the transition from secondary school to university. International students have the added pressure of adjusting to a new culture. For some international students and scholars, the U.S. classroom and workplace may seem more informal than what they are used to. For example, students and professors, or workers and supervisors, may speak and dress quite casually. It is, however, important to recognize that there is still a respected hierarchy, and relationships remain formal. Your school/program is your best resource - refer to their guidance on best practices for remote learning. Many international students are surprised to find significant differences between classroom culture in the U.S. and in their home countries. Below you will find some common characteristics of classroom culture in the U.S., but keep in mind that, just as you will find students at Yale from a variety of backgrounds, faculty members also come from all over the world, with a wide range of teaching styles and expectations. You will need to treat each class and each professor as a new experience and adjust accordingly. In many courses, professors even expect the students to ask questions and use critical reasoning. It is seen as part of the learning process. Complete silence may be viewed as a lack of interest or preparation. Be ready to ask questions when preparing for the class, jot down a couple of questions that you might ask. Some courses will even include a discussion session where students are expected to participate in an open discussion on a particular topic. In some courses, you may be asked to do most of the work yourself and the professor may have only a managerial role, as in the case of graduate seminar courses. It is common for teachers to serve as a guide in the student’s learning. Students pursuing advanced degrees are particularly encouraged to critique theories, formulate models and interact with the professor. The teaching style of the professor can determine the amount of student participation in each class. Some instructors prefer a more formal style of lecture with a possible question and answer period at the end. Others prefer a more conversational style and encourage interaction throughout the class. In general, instructors who are confident and experienced are comfortable with students who disagree. When expressing your views in class, be ready to defend your ideas. Classes can sometimes have a practical as well as a theoretical component. Lectures account for the theoretical, and workshops, labs, or study/work groups take care of the practical. Instruction in science and mathematics tends to be of a more formal lecture style, but applied courses or even theoretical courses, can include hands-on projects that actively involve the students. Students are expected to be motivated to learn for the sake of learning, not just to receive the highest grade. Therefore, when a reading is assigned, a professor expects the student to do it on their own. Anything you are assigned, even if it is not covered in class, might appear on your exams. Keep in mind that in the U.S., courses are not designed simply for students to pass exams. It is expected that you will attend every class because of self-motivation. Professors may have a social relationship with students outside of the classroom. They may go for coffee together, or have other kinds of social outings. However, it is still expected that students will be respectful of the student-professor relationship within the classroom and will continue to meet all deadlines, do all homework, and attend all classes. Extra help or attention in no way signifies that a professor will treat the student differently when evaluating homework, papers or tests of any kind. Also, American professors generally do not mix work with social time. If you become friendly with your instructor, be ready to interact more formally when in more professional student-professor context - such as in the professor’s office or in the classroom with other students. American students may behave towards professors in ways that seem disrespectful. In class they may look sleepy or sit in very relaxed positions, eat food, be inattentive, or even noisy. American professors may not appreciate this behavior, but it is often tolerated because of the American concept of individual expression. Respect for the professor is often shown in subtle ways, by choice of vocabulary or tone of voice for example. If a student is confused about something in the class, it is expected that they will ask the professor before or after class. If the issue requires a longer conversation, the student may make an appointment to see the professor during office hours. In U.S. academic culture, there is no shame associated with not understanding something in the course, even if it has been presented in a class lecture. Professors respect students who work hard towards fully understanding the material, so don’t wait until just before the exam to seek clarification. Ask as soon as you realize that you don’t completely understand the material. It will take some time to adjust when you first arrive, and your first semester may prove particularly challenging. As time goes on, you will adapt to your surroundings, your English language skills will improve, and this will be reflected in your grades. In all domains of learning, the development of expertise occurs only with major investments of time, and the amount of time it takes to learn material is roughly proportional to the amount of material being learned (Singley and Anderson, 1989) […] Although many people believe that “talent” plays a role in who becomes an expert in a particular area, even seemingly talented individuals require a great deal of practice in order to develop their expertise (Ericsson et al., 1993). Be appropriately ambitious – too many courses or too many challenging courses could cause you to become discouraged. Talk with your freshman or academic adviser as well as fellow students, and take advantage of the “shopping” period to select a balance of demanding and less demanding courses. In some cases, it may be in your best interest to withdraw from a course, however ALWAYS consult with an OISS adviser before dropping any courses. Learners […] may need to take time to explore underlying concepts and to generate connections to other information they possess. Attempts to cover too many topics too quickly may hinder learning and subsequent transfer because students (a) learn only isolated sets of facts that are not organized and connected or (b) are introduced to organizing principles that they cannot grasp because they lack enough specific knowledge to make them meaningful. Inform yourself and remain open-minded in order to understand different points of view. Question your own viewpoint, research a variety of sources, and experiment with new ideas. Active learning is different from passive learning, which relies heavily on memorization. Research has found that the ability to remember is not the same as understanding a topic. The higher your degree of understanding, the higher the probability that you will be able to transfer the knowledge onto other areas of your academic life. …learning is most effective when people engage in “deliberate practice” that includes active monitoring of one’s learning experiences (Ericsson et al., 1993). Monitoring involves attempts to seek and use feedback about one’s progress. Feedback has long been identified as important for successful learning (see, e.g., Thorndike, 1913)… Use a calendar to create a study schedule and keep track of due dates for homework assignments, papers, projects, and exams. Work hard beginning on the first day of classes so that you don’t fall behind. Prioritize and maintain a balance between school work, regular meals, sleep and recreation. If a student is confused about something in the class, it is expected that they will ask the professor before or after class. If the issue requires a longer conversation, the student may make an appointment to see the professor during office hours. In U.S. academic culture, there is no shame associated with not understanding something in the course, even if it has been presented in a class lecture. Professors respect students who work hard towards fully understanding the material, so don’t wait until just before the exam to seek clarification. Ask as soon as you realize that you don’t completely understand the material. Maintain a high GPA (grade point average) by treating each class as important, not only the classes you like most. For Yale students, the academic adviser plays a key role in your studies and it is important to choose your adviser carefully and strive to build and maintain a good relationship. Advice specific to your Yale affiliation can be found below: There are a lot of advising resources for Yale College students, some available to you in your freshman year and others throughout your four years at Yale. Together, deans, faculty, advisers and peer mentors/advisers welcome the opportunity to guide you through your program of study at Yale. Advising resources described in detail. The most important point is to make sure you take advantage of these resources. Here is a quick (though not complete) guide to the different advising roles for Yale College freshmen. For graduate and professional students, your adviser not only helps guide you in choosing your courses, but also oversees your graduate work. If you are pursuing a Ph.D., they will supervise your research, serve on your various evaluation committees, and approve your dissertation topic. Maintain and build a good relationship with your work supervisor by setting an example of professionalism and communicating clearly and openly. Begin by understanding the norms and expectations of your lab or office. What are expected work hours? Are there any departmental meetings that you are required to attend? What protocols must one follow in the case of an unplanned absence or lateness? Always ask if you are unclear about any of the policies and procedures. The work environment, and your supervisor may be very casual in dress or attitude, but this is in keeping with university culture. Be careful not to mistake the informality for a lack of respect or seriousness. U.S. culture is a more informal culture, but hierarchies still exist and are respected. Don’t assume a first name basis for example, or come to a meeting unprepared because it doesn’t seem serious. It is much better to be too formal, than too informal.Academic Environment & Resources
Yale Resources
Tips for Virtual Learning
Tips for International Students
The U.S. Classroom
Active Class Participation is Desirable and Welcome
Taking Initiative
Diverse Teaching Styles
Hands-On Involvement
Responsibility and Self-Motivation
Student-Professor Relationships
American Students
Ask if You Don’t Understand
Keys to Success
Understand that Learning and Adaptation Take Time
Choose Your Classes Carefully: Pace Yourself
Practice 'Active' Learning
Manage Your Time Wisely
Ask if You Don't Understand
Be Consistent
Your Academic Adviser
Residential College Dean
Freshman Counselor (FROCOS)
Freshman Faculty Adviser
Here is some helpful information and advice given by international graduate students at Yale:
Scholar PI/Supervisor