Zuraina Majid (Malaysia)

Born in Kuala Lumpur, Zuraina Majid received her Bachelor’ degree from University of Malaya, M.A. from Cambridge University and Ph.D in Archeology (1979) from Yale University.

A historian and the first ever archeologist in Malaysia, Majid was a Professor of Anthropology at University of Malaya, Director of the Center for Archaeological Research and a Commissioner for Malaysia’s Heritage Resources. She took part in excavations of the Lower Paleolithic industry near Kota-Tampan and Lenggong and in Thailand and Philippines.

Yoriko Kawaguchi (Japan)

Born in Tokyo, Yoriko Kawaguchi received a B.A. from the University of Tokyo and an M. Phil in Economics from Yale University in 1972. She is currently a Professor at Meiji Institute for Global Affairs in Tokyo and on the Advisory Committee of Tokyo Foundation, a public policy think tank.

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