Eugenio Saenz Flores

Eugenio Saenz Flores is a second year student at the School of Drama, studying Technical Design and Production. That means he's almost half of the way through his four year degree! His path to the theatre is not as straightforward as one might think for someone who so obviously loves what he does so much. Eugenio is from Mexico, “born and bred.” He went to Canada for college and started off on track to get a theatre and business degree, but pretty soon into that program and without taking a single business class, he realized that that life just wasn't for him. So he left!

Anthony Etim

On a crisp day over Fall Break, Anthony Etim and I met at the benches outside Pauli Murray, or, alternatively, by the Food Trucks (for those who aren't familiar with the undergraduate college layout!) One of the most astonishing things about Anthony is that he graduated from high school in Nigeria at 16, and is starting his PhD in Electrical Engineering here at Yale at the youthful age of 21. Talk about genius!

Martin Mejia

Martin and I met on the steps of Sterling Memorial Library on a stormy afternoon last week. This weather was rather incongruent with our bright conversation and Martin's charming smile! Martin comes from the sunny country of Ecuador, but moved to Buenos Aires for his undergraduate degree in Political Science. After that he completed a Masters in Political Theory at the University of Essex in the UK before coming to America to pursue his PhD. Martin is at Yale as a visiting doctoral fellow from Tulane University, currently in his third year of what he hopes will be a five year PhD.

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