Welcome to #humansofoiss ! This week let’s move on

Welcome to #humansofoiss ! This week let’s move on to our second Grad & Professional Orientation Assistants – Ketty Kabengele.

“Hello everyone! My name is Ketty and I am from Zambia. I will be a fourth-year Ph.D. candidate this fall at the Yale Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. I am generally interested in Evolutionary Biology, Microbiology, and Epidemiology. I am a member of the Ogbunu Research Lab, in the Department of E&EB and my Ph.D. research is focused on investigating the evolution and ecology of viruses. I am excited to understand how viruses evolve in different environments and how that influences disease.
I am also a McDougal Teaching Fellow and Lead Academic Strategies Mentor for the Yale Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning. Outside academics, I am interested in biking and outdoor activities, and I am part of the Yale Bulldogs Biking Club. I also enjoy going to the Payne Whitney Gym, cooking, hiking, and trying out new restaurants in New Haven.”