Luna Zagorac

This week we talked to Luna Zagorac, a 6th year PhD student in Physics, and originally from Belgrade in Serbia. Swipe to see one of her home country's landmarks, and what she gets up to in New Haven. If you would like to be featured in one of our #humansofOISS stories, just shoot us a DM!

Q: Luna, you are originally from Serbia. What would you say are the most common misconceptions about your home country?
A: That it's the same as Siberia We are much closer to the Mediterranean!

Q: Do you have any funny stories about using an English word incorrectly?
A: I picked up a lot of random, old-timey words from reading Jane Austen and the Brontes when I was a teen, so every so often I will use a word that is 1) uncommon and 2) mispronounced. One I can remember is amiable (I pronounced it “amayable”).

Q: What's a New Haven bar you like, and what would you recommend ordering?
A: One of the most underrated food options in New Haven are the vegan dishes at Three Sheets (@threesheetsnh) on Elm Street – in particular their Buffalo cauliflower!