
HUMANS OF OISS! Welcome Valerie

“Hi everyone! My name is Valerie, and I'm a junior in Pierson double majoring in Cognitive Science and S&DS. Aside from academics, I also spend a lot of time being a plant mom and writing songs (here's a short song I wrote!)

At Yale, I'm really involved with the international community, currently serving as the co-president for ISO and a peer liaison for OISS! The international community at Yale has always been my support system and where I formed so many meaningful relationships over the past three years that I really treasure.

Being from Hanoi, Vietnam, there are so many things I love and miss about my culture, and one of the things I miss the most was food. Since I haven't been back in almost two years now, I started to learn how to cook some staple Viet dishes in quarantine, and it really helped me feel connected to home. I also started baking bread - hit me up for a warm fresh loaf every now and then! Follow my food adventures at @watchmediegest” ~ Valerie

#humansofoiss #yaleinternational #yaloiss