Zeki Tan

Zeki Tan is a first year student in Pauli Murray College. He comes from the Philippines, though he also lived in New Zealand for a few years when he was younger. Yale came as a bit of a surprise to Zeki, given that he was initially planning on attending college in either the Philippines or New Zealand! But COVID happened, and things fell into place, and here he is!

Right now, Zeki is planning on majoring in Biomedical Engineering, and eventually maybe working for or starting his own medical devices company. For now, his plan is to try out fun classes in different majors and to find some practical classes that will supplement the knowledge he's gaining from his requirements. Zeki actually writes for the Yale Scientific Magazine - he has two articles online, one about using satellite imagery to predict flood-prone areas, and another about Dr Collins of the NIH, and his legacy and the future of Public Health in America.

Being an international student is a unique experience, something Zeki has noted after just one semester here. Coming from a country with a tropical climate, Zeki has found that the change in seasons - and this crazy snow we've been having - is no joke: it really does affect the body, from sleep to appetite to mood! It's Zeki's first time living with snow, and fortunately he has a suitemate from Wisconsin who was able to counsel him on Winter gear. New winter boots and a good coat are essential! As is taking a walk outside, which Zeki did after our interview in spite of the cold. Don't forget to get some fresh air!
