Vignesh Harikrishnan

A last #humansofoiss hurrah for our social media curator Vish!

What's your name, home country, degree at Yale, and year of graduation?
I'm Vignesh Harikrishnan; people call me Vish or Vi here! I am from Chennai, a Coastal City in South India, and I am a Master of Architecture Student graduating this May!

What is your favorite thing about where you come from?
The Beaches and South Indian Filter Coffee. I spent most of my downtime on the beach or brewing my coffee in Chennai.

What has been the best part about being a Social Media Curator for OISS?
Everything. Molly, Sarah, our initial zoom meetings transitioning to Koffee? meetings; reminders to post for the day, and the opportunity to design the new logo for OISS! Something that I will cherish for the rest of my time.

What have you loved most about being at Yale?
The School and the Community that I built for the last two years, being an introvert in the pandemic wasn't easy, but the chance to build a community that stands for each other and thrives together was unique and will be a part of us forever.

What's your favorite coffee shop?

What's the weirdest thing you realized about America?
I didn't know that Half and Half was different from Skimmed milk, let alone the idea of skimmed milk. My Coffee brewing process had to endure throughout, and I'm still baffled by 1 and 2% stuff here. We need a revamp with naming and branding!

Tell us a little about the picture you chose to represent you!
Lol, I dont usually take pictures of mine, let alone pose. But, this is the closest good picture with an Artifact for a spacesuit that my team and I designed for a class at CCAM and are ready to send a Zero-G flight this May.