This week’s #humansofoiss features Aya

This week's #humansofoiss features Aya Nassereddine, a Postdoc in MCDB.
Aya, is Franco-Lebanese , holds a double major in Management and Biology. Following her passion for higher education, she pursued her PhD in Biophysics at CINaM laboratory in France, successfully completing her research on ''Surface patterning strategies to analyze T-cell adhesion and actin organization'' in 2019.
Her diverse academic background and interests led her to receive the “Young Innovative Doctors 2020” award in the south region of France, which granted her a one-year position as a research engineer.
Currently, Aya is a postdoctoral researcher in the Horsley Lab at Yale University's MCDB department. Her research focuses on understanding how mechanical cues affect skin fibrosis, and exploring how fibrosis develops and how we can intervene in its progression. Aya strongly believes in interdisciplinary research and its potential to deepen our understanding of complex scientific problems. To do so, she focuses on the LINC complex, which is important for the mechanical stability of the nucleus and the cytoskeleton, as it transmits cytoskeletal forces to the nuclear surface.
In her free time, Aya enjoys various outdoor activities. She has done different races including 2 half marathons (Paris and Cognac), and she achieved her best time for 5k with 25 minutes during the Christmas run for children 2022 in New Haven. She also loves biking, hiking, and playing tennis. In the future, she would like to focus on mental health and wellbeing, particularly for students and workers in France, as she feels that this aspect is often overlooked in laboratory settings.