This week I met with Manuel Pace, a PhD student in Electrical Engineering, at Schwarzman Center. Manuel grew up in Habay-la-Neuve in Belgium and studied Engineering then Physical Engineering for his undergraduate and master’s degrees at UCLouvain. He later did a master’s in Theoretical Physics at Imperial College. During his master, he was able to visit Yale through an exchange program and decided to return to Yale for his PhD studies because of the great opportunities there are.
Manuel joined Yale in January, 2022, so he is still exploring all the possibilities at Yale. For research, he is excited to start his work on superconducting resonators and other cryogenic experiments with quantum phenomena and looks forward to all the progress to make in the coming years. The future is still unknown but it is exciting to see what life offers next!
Outside of research, Manuel has a lot of hobbies, although according to him, he would like to only focus on a few of them at once, so that he could make real progress. Currently, he is dedicated to working out at the gym (this is true because I always see him there) and writing. He is working on this fiction which was inspired by an idea he had when he was a teenager - maybe we will be able to read his trilogy one day. Growing up Manuel loved learning, so he also played guitar and drums, sang and did some grayscale drawing. He used to read fiction so much that his parents became “concerned” at some point. He later got the chance to get a computer and so started to enjoy playing some video games to relax. I am impressed by how multi-talented this person is!
Being in the US, Manuel is happy about being able to live near the ocean, so it is always possible to go to the beach when desired. He also noticed how nice and positive people can be here, which brightens up his days. Overall, Manuel has enjoyed his time at Yale and looks forward to what is next. I wish him the best!