Over the next three weeks, we are going to

Over the next three weeks, we are going to introduce you to our Head Counselors for our undergraduate Orientation for International Students, or as we lovingly call OIS! If you are an incoming first year student and have opted in to participating in OIS as your Camp Yale Program, these three Head Counselors are the ones running the show! #humansofoiss
This week, let’s start with Cem Kupeli. “Hi everyone! My name is Cem (pronounced “gem”), and I am a Turkish international in Berkeley College in the Class of 2025. I am studying computer science and psychology, and I am also interested in English, mathematics, and history. On campus, I am involved with the International Students’ Organization, the Turkish Student Association, and Code Haven, an undergraduate organization aiming to introduce New Haven middle school students to computer science. In my free time, I like playing tennis, coming up with a dozen app ideas most of which I never end up pursuing, and hanging out with friends. OIS is always my favorite part of the year, and I had an amazing time last year meeting the new internationals as an OIS counselor, so I’m really looking forward to meeting all of you this year!”