Mehmet Adin

Our last featured portrait of the summer is of Mehmet Adin, a scholar at the Yale School of Medicine.

“Growing up in a small countryside town in Turkey, I was fascinated with living creatures. Be it observing a caterpillar transforming into a beautiful butterfly, or the body of an ordinary animal, I was always observing and investigating their mystery. In my adolescence, this fervent curiosity about the natural world evolved into a passion for the study of human body.

Determined to become a physician scientist, I studied hard and was lucky enough to work in some of the greatest institutions during this journey. I don't believe in work and life balance. They are indivisible, like a beautiful cocktail. You can not get the same taste when you separate them. In this regard, Yale and New Haven provide a great environment for me. The city is just like a giant campus where you live in, dine in, hike in, work in, so on and so forth.

I'm a clinician, but I can't think of practicing medicine without performing research, same cocktail analogy. Although my field of interest is Neuoradiology, for now I am working on prediction of treatment success and prognostication of lung cancer that is treated with SBRT. Since the pandemic arrived, we have been striving to further our understanding of COVID-19, focusing on the neurological ramifications of COVID-19. We are truly witnessing a historical period. We want to do our part, along with our great community here at Yale, nationally, and internationally.

Medicine is a field of “giving”. Your time, your energy, your mind, your love, your compassion, and honestly, your life. So we will keep giving, be it in a pandemic or not.”

Thank you for all of your amazing work you're doing Mehmet! We are beyond grateful.

@surbhib42 #humansofoiss @yaleschoolofmed