Komal Kunwar

This week, meet Komal, YSE '22!

Q. Where are you from and what are you doing here?
I'm Komal Kunwar, from Kathmandu, Nepal. I will be graduating in May with a Master's in Environmental Management from the Yale School of the Environment.

Q. Tell us about the picture you chose to represent you.
Here's a picture of a sunrise over the Himalayas in Nepal. When I think of home, I think of our Mountains.

Q. What is your favorite thing about where you come from?
Aside from the mountains and abundance of natural beauty, my favorite thing about home is the ancient architecture. In Sanskrit, the word “Kathmandu” translates to “wood pavilion.” We are known for our historical monuments made out of wood (see picture attached) and these old buildings are at the heart of a budding metropolitan.

#OISS #humansofOISS #nepal