Happy Friday! This week let’s move on to our third

Happy Friday! This week let’s move on to our third Orientation Assistant Oluwatobi Oso.

“I’m Oluwatobi Oso (He/Him/His), from Nigeria. I’m currently a PhD student in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, working in the Prof. Erika Edwards Lab. My current research seeks to understand the origin, evolution, and development of leaf forms of woody angiosperms in temperate regions. I also work as a McDougal STEM Career Fellow with the Yale Office of Career Strategy.
Prior to starting my PhD at Yale, I earned my bachelor and master degree from University of Ibadan, Nigeria, and subsequently worked as a TWAS-CSIR Graduate Research Fellow at the National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, India. Outside academia, I am passionate about fostering community development and empowering young people as a Youth Worker.
Since arriving in the US in 2021, I have continued to pursue these passions, volunteering as a science mentor for the New Haven Family Science night and New Haven Science Fair, and working as an instructor for the Yale Young African Scholars and the Yale Young Global Scholars programs. When I’m not doing science or youth work, I’m either playing the piano or bass guitar to Christian music, or playing around website development, and most of all, spending time with my wife and kids at home. At this summer orientation, I relish the opportunity to connect with new Yalies from diverse cultures all over the world, who share my enthusiasm for learning, community building, and personal development.” #humansofoiss