Friday means another #humansofoiss! Let me introduce our final head counselor - Pranav this week!
“Hello, new internationals!
Very excited to welcome you all to Yale during OIS!
I am Pranava, a junior from Noida, India. I am a Cognitive Science major interested in philosophy and vision. Aside from research, I work a couple of on-campus jobs, namely at everyone’s favorite Bass Library and the Student Technology Collaborative. Prior to Yale, I also took a gap year, during which I fell in love with watching film and reading. I like to think I still make time for them at Yale.
Over my first year, I lost (amongst other things) my common room, my passport, and a bit of my front tooth. As a result, I have some (unfortunate) experience wrangling with administrative stuff on campus. Take my word when I say it always turns out okay.
I cannot wait to meet all of you in the Fall! Feel free to reach out about anything or with any movie recommendations. Say hi!”