Sprintax Access Code Request (No NetID)

Before You Begin, Please Note:

Sprintax will only assist with your taxes if you have non-resident tax status.  Please make sure you are not a resident for tax purposes before requesting access to Sprintax.

If you did not receive any U.S. source income in 2023  you will not receive an income statement and do not need Sprintax access.  Just complete and submit IRS form 8843.

This form is for current and past Yale affiliates without an active Yale NetID.  If you have an active NetID, please click here to request an Sprintax account.

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This information is intended only for international students and scholars with income sources and level typical of students and scholars at Yale University. Although the information contained in this site has been reviewed carefully and should be adequate to assist most international students and scholars, it is not a substitute for advice obtained from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or a qualified tax accountant. If your visa status has changed in the past year, or you believe you have a complicated tax issue, please consult the IRS or a qualified tax accountant.

In addition, while the tax preparation software Sprintax is being provided to help you with your tax filing obligations, you are individually responsible for verifying that the correct information has been entered into the tax preparation software and included on all forms and/or other documents printed or derived from the tax preparation software, and ultimately responsible for any errors or omissions.