As a student or scholar at Yale, screens are a big part of your academic life. Classes and meetings are happening over Zoom, your emails are endless, and your personal life has moved to virtual meeting spaces over the last year. Screens are unavoidable, but that doesn’t mean we should constantly be tied to our devices!
In fact, too much screen time actually impacts how our body and our brain functions; including straining our eyes, hunching our backs over our computers, how we process emotions, and even how our brain is structured!
This is why we are challenging you to implement a Screen-Free Hour into your routine! Start slow with building in an hour once a week, then slowly add more days into your routine! In an ideal world, you would eventually get to the point where you are spending at least one screen-free hour each day.
You might be thinking, but what am I possibly going to do for a whole hour without screens?! We’ve got you covered! Check out this list of 100 screen-free activities to get you started, and visit our Pinterest board for additional ideas.
Once you get started, we would love to hear how you are spending your scree-free hours! Tag us on Instagram or email us with your ideas so we can share them out with the rest of the international community.