Welcome to a new series of programs at OISS this semester called Molly Makes…! Throughout the spring semester your Assistant Director of Programs at OISS, Molly Hampton, will attempt to “make” something new and she invites you to participate along with her in this journey.
This series of programs is brought to you by Zoom Fatigue! We know the last thing that you want to do at the end of a long day of classes or meetings on Zoom is to join in another virtual program, which is why the Molly Makes series is for you to do on your own time and at your own pace.
For our first event, Molly Made Muffins (and yes, the whole series will be all about alliteration)! Double chocolate chip muffins to be exact. Find her step-by-step guide online here. You can also follow along on the OISS Instagram account throughout the semester.
When you make your muffins, we encourage you to share your finished products with us through email or by tagging OISS on social media with the hashtag #yaleoiss.
We hope you enjoy our Molly Makes series throughout the semester!