Did you know that adult coloring can actually relax your brain? There are many studies out there, but according to the Cleveland Clinic, here are three reasons why you should pick up a sharpie:
- It allows us to shift the focus of our attention away from ourselves, making it a very meditative experience.
- When your thoughts are focused on a simple activity, you aren’t disturbed by your own thoughts and it allows your body and your brain to relax.
- It’s low stakes which makes it fun! Who are you really hurting if you color outside of the lines? No one!
With all of this in mind, we challenge you to a join us in a 1 week mindful coloring challenge. All you need are some crayons, sharpies, colored pencils, or whatever you’d like to use. We’ve compiled a few downloadable coloring pages, so you just need to hit print and you’re ready to go!
The attached photo is from Molly’s (OISS Assist. Director of Programs) week of mindful coloring, and she can personally attest to the benefits of this exercise! “Coloring was a perfect escape from my regular routine and allowed me to turn off all of my screens and just focus on the task at hand. At the end of the week I felt like I actually accomplished something – even if it was something as simple as coloring!”
Document your journey with us by using the hashtag #oissmindfulcoloring. We look forward to seeing your works of art!